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情報タグ The exact same song Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me has a 6 year time gap between the left old and right new channels.In fact, the pitch of each live performance is different, so we have used digital pitch control to synchronize them as much as possible.In the interlude, please pay attention to the timeless synchronization of the same piano player
日付 2024.03.08_02:26:53 (Fri)
org:*****.*** 表記(オリジナルファイルへのリンク) org:soku_36834.flac
サムネイル画像 https://sokuup.net/gif/default_icon.png
ファイル https://sokuup.net/img/soku_36834.flac
ファイル容量 32.65MB
オリジナルネーム 検索 Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me.flac
MD5 fdb703c52d75cecf38dab7491b9b00cb
permalink https://sokuup.net/?mode=permalink&no=36834
単純リンク <a href="https://sokuup.net/?mode=permalink&no=36834" title="The exact same song Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me has a 6 year time gap between the left old and right new channels.In fact, the pitch of each live performance is different, so we have used digital pitch control to synchronize them as much as possible.In the interlude, please pay attention to the timeless synchronization of the same piano player">The exact same song Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me has a 6 year time gap between the left old and right new channels.In fact, the pitch of each live performance is different, so we have used digital pitch control to synchronize them as much as possible.In the interlude, please pay attention to the timeless synchronization of the same piano player</a>
埋め込み(html) <audio preload="metadata" controls style="width:100%;"><source src="https://sokuup.net/img/soku_36834.flac"><object data="https://sokuup.net/img/soku_36834.flac"><param name="src" value="https://sokuup.net/img/soku_36834.flac" /><param name="autostart" value="false" /><a href="https://sokuup.net/img/soku_36834.flac" title="https://sokuup.net/img/soku_36834.flac :: The exact same song (Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me) has a 6 year time gap between the left (old) and right (new) channels.In fact, the pitch of each live performance is different, so we have used digital pitch control to synchronize them as much as possible.In the interlude, please pay attention to the timeless synchronization of the same piano player! ">直接ファイルを再生</a></object><p><a href="https://sokuup.net/img/soku_36834.flac" title="https://sokuup.net/img/soku_36834.flac :: The exact same song (Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me) has a 6 year time gap between the left (old) and right (new) channels.In fact, the pitch of each live performance is different, so we have used digital pitch control to synchronize them as much as possible.In the interlude, please pay attention to the timeless synchronization of the same piano player! "></a></p></audio>
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情報タグ ソニー ウォークマン ハイレゾ Live Beet System
日付 2015.07.03_22:18:57 (Fri)
org:*****.*** 表記(オリジナルファイルへのリンク) org:soku_32796.jpg
サムネイル画像 https://sokuup.net/imgs/soku_32796.jpg
ファイル https://sokuup.net/img/soku_32796.jpg
画像のピクセル 1920×1280
ファイル容量 1.34MB
オリジナルネーム 検索 KU4A7889.JPG
MD5 2d4717ccab7f8e1553752baf49d421e6
permalink https://sokuup.net/?mode=permalink&no=32796
単純リンク <a href="https://sokuup.net/?mode=permalink&no=32796" title="ソニー ウォークマン ハイレゾ Live Beet System">ソニー ウォークマン ハイレゾ Live Beet System</a>
埋め込み(html) <script type="text/javascript" src="https://sokuup.net/js/lightbox_plus.js"></script><p class="ifimg"><a href="https://sokuup.net/img/soku_32796.jpg" title="https://sokuup.net/img/soku_32796.jpg :: ソニー ウォークマン ハイレゾ Live Beet System " target="_self" rel="lightbox1" class="vertical"><img src="https://sokuup.net/imgs/soku_32796.jpg" alt="soku_32796.jpg :: ソニー ウォークマン ハイレゾ Live Beet System " title="https://sokuup.net/imgs/soku_32796.jpg :: ソニー ウォークマン ハイレゾ Live Beet System " width="400" height="266" /></a><br style="clear: both;" /></p>
番号 情報タグ 日付 オリジナルファイル MD5 Exif